Students who qualify with good standing credit may apply for a student loan. Student loans allow students who are unable to pay in one lump sum to pay in convenient monthly installments.
Students who wish to apply for a student loan are required to fill out a loan application that is available at the administration office during normal business hours. STudents are required to pay the amount of the loan plus any interest.
Students with loan applications that are approved by the university must sign a Payment Schedule Agreement that specifies the dates the student is expected to repay the loan. Failure to make any payments listed on the Payment Schedule Agreement to the university on the due dates, without any arrangement, is considered sufficient ground from barring the student from further attending classes or taking examinations, until the terms for settlement have been arranged with the Financial Officer. Students who are delinquent on any of the payments may not register for the following quarter and will not receive their diploma until all financial obligations are settled with the administration office.
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