Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Directed Independent Study

An Independent Study course allows students to study one or more topics of importance that are related to the student's major field of study. Independent study classes may be arranged under special circumstances with the permission of the Dean of Academic Affairs or the School Dean. Independent study classes may not be taken at the same time that the class in question is being offered. All students that register for an independent study class will be under the direct supervision of the instructor as assigned by Dean of Academic Affairs or the School Dean. Students may not exceed 12 units of Independent Study courses.

Independent study class will begin on the first day of the academic quarter and end on the last day of the academic quarter. The student will be required to meet at least weekly with the assigned instructor and to complete all assignments and pass the test as prescribed by the course syllabus. Independent study may not be substituted for a class which is being regularly offered at the time.

Only those students who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher will be permitted to take an independent study course. All Directed Independent Study projects must be completed before the end of the term in which students are enrolled.

Directed Independent Study is not an option for international students, veterans or other students whose tuition is paid by third parties.

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