Friday, February 19, 2010

Doctor of Oriental Medicine-Dissertation Project

Students are required to complete a Dissertation Project. Students are appointed a Doctoral Committee by the Dean of the school and students must submit a proposal of the Dissertation Project to the committee for approval. Once the Dissertation Project has been approved, the student must then write a dissertation, under the supervision of the Doctoral Committee, demonstrating an ability to do significant research and scholarly analysis and to present findings and conclusions with precision and clarity. An abstract of 350 words which clearly sets forth the content and conclusion of the dissertation is to be filed and signed by the Doctoral Committee Chair. Once approved by the Doctoral Committee, two copies of the dissertation, typographically perfect and bearing the signatures of the committee, must be filed with the School Dean before the given deadline. When the final copies are filed with the School Dean, the student is asked to sign a microfilming and copyright agreement. The dissertation, including the abstract, bibliography and appendix, is not to exceed 500 pages.

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