Course No. Course Title
Ant 101 Introduction to Anthroplogy
CMP 101 Basic Computer Operations
CUL 101 World Culture
ECO 102 Economics I (Macro Economics)
ECO 103 Economics II (Micro Economics)
ENG 101 English I
ENG 102 English II
ENG 103 Modern Novels
ETH 101 Ethics
GEOG 101 Geography
GEOL 101 Geology I
GOV 101 US Government
HIS 101 World History
HIS 103 US History
KOR 101 Korean I
KOR 102 Korean II
LIT 101 American Literature I
MTH 102 Statistics
MTH 103 Business Mathematics
MTH 105 Algebra I
MTH 107 Geometry
MTH 110 Algebra II
MTH 118 Statistics
MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music
PHL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
PHL 102 Western Philosophy
PHY 101 General Physics
POL 101 Political Science
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
SOC 101 Principles of Sociology
SPE 101 Speech
SPN 101 Spanish I
SPN 102 Spanish II
WPC 101 Word Processing I
WPC 102 Word Processing II
Course No. Course Title
ACC 101 Accounting I
ACC 102 Accounting II
ACC 103 Accounting III
ACC 106 Managerial Accounting
ACC 108 Payroll Accounting
ACC 110 Computerized Accounting I
AUD 101 Auditing I
BUS 101 Introduction to Business
BUS 102 Principles of Business Management
BUS 103 Business Law I
BUS 104 Business Law II
BUS 110 Business Ethics
BUS 111 Business Communication
BUS 112 Business Plan
DBS 101 Spreadsheets
DBS 110 Data Base
ECO 101 Introduction to Economics
TAX 101 Principles of Taxation
WPC 101 Word Processing I
WPC 102 Word Processing II
In consultation with his/her advisor, the Associate of Arts in Accounting Degree student will choose a minimum of 12 quarter units of electives from any of the courses listed in the AA in Accounting course list.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Total Curriculum of Master of Business Administration
Course No. Course Title
BA 625 Financial Accounting
BA 630 Managerial Accounting
BA 635 Statistics for Managerial Decision Making
BA 640 Applied Managerial Economics
BA 642 Organizational Behavior
BA 647 Marketing Management and Strategies
BA 665 Financial Analysis and Management
BA 672 International Financial Management
BA 680 Operations Management
BA 682 Management Information System
Course No. Course Title
BA 645 Human Resource Management and
Employment Law
BA 650 Managerial Communications Strategies
BA 655 Strategic Human Resource
BA 660 Executive Leadership
BA 663 Business Law I
BA 664 Business Law II
BA 668 Financial Risk Management
BA 675 International Business and
Decision Making
BA 685 Business Entrepreneurship and
New Venture Formation
BA 703 Management of Innovation
BA 705 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Executive
Decision Making
BA 710 Business Cycles and Forecasting
BA 715 New Venture Formation
BA 716 Issues in Human Resource Management
BA 717 Research Methods in Business
BA 719 Group Process and Leadership
BA 720 Business Plan
Comprehensive Examination. In order to receive the M.B.A. degree, students who have met all of the course requirements for the degree must take and pass the M.B.A. Comprehensive Examination.
The comprehensive examination is an assessment of the student's ability to integrate knowledge, show critical and independent thinking and demonstrate mastery of teh subject matter. The results of the examination evidence independent thinking, appropriate organization, a high level of writing competency, critical analysis, and accuracy of documentation. A record of the examination questions and responses shall be maintained in accordance with the university's record retention policy.
All candidates for M.B.A. Comprehensive Examination are required to take the following course:
BA 750 Directed Study and Readings in Business Administration
Course No. Course Title
BA 625 Financial Accounting
BA 630 Managerial Accounting
BA 635 Statistics for Managerial Decision Making
BA 640 Applied Managerial Economics
BA 642 Organizational Behavior
BA 647 Marketing Management and Strategies
BA 665 Financial Analysis and Management
BA 672 International Financial Management
BA 680 Operations Management
BA 682 Management Information System
Course No. Course Title
BA 645 Human Resource Management and
Employment Law
BA 650 Managerial Communications Strategies
BA 655 Strategic Human Resource
BA 660 Executive Leadership
BA 663 Business Law I
BA 664 Business Law II
BA 668 Financial Risk Management
BA 675 International Business and
Decision Making
BA 685 Business Entrepreneurship and
New Venture Formation
BA 703 Management of Innovation
BA 705 Cost-Benefit Analysis for Executive
Decision Making
BA 710 Business Cycles and Forecasting
BA 715 New Venture Formation
BA 716 Issues in Human Resource Management
BA 717 Research Methods in Business
BA 719 Group Process and Leadership
BA 720 Business Plan
Comprehensive Examination. In order to receive the M.B.A. degree, students who have met all of the course requirements for the degree must take and pass the M.B.A. Comprehensive Examination.
The comprehensive examination is an assessment of the student's ability to integrate knowledge, show critical and independent thinking and demonstrate mastery of teh subject matter. The results of the examination evidence independent thinking, appropriate organization, a high level of writing competency, critical analysis, and accuracy of documentation. A record of the examination questions and responses shall be maintained in accordance with the university's record retention policy.
All candidates for M.B.A. Comprehensive Examination are required to take the following course:
BA 750 Directed Study and Readings in Business Administration
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Certificate in Marriage and Family Counseling Program
The Family Counseling program is designed as a certificate-base curriculum with an emphasis on marriage and family counseling, and family life studies based upon biblical perspectives. A certificate of Family Counseling is basically issued upon the completion of 40 quarter units of Family Counseling program within 1 year, and a certificate of Family Life Educator upon the completion of 16 additional quarter units of Family Life Studies program within a half year. Graduates are able to serve the community as Christian Counselors and Family Life Educators.
The Family Life Counseling must be completed within overall 2 years from the time the student commenced the first course, as a regular student, which applies to the certificate requirements. This time limit, at the option of the university, may be extended 118 due to special extenuating circumstances.
The Family Life Counseling must be completed within overall 2 years from the time the student commenced the first course, as a regular student, which applies to the certificate requirements. This time limit, at the option of the university, may be extended 118 due to special extenuating circumstances.
certificate in marriage,
family counseling
School of Theology
Life University School of Theology is committed to preparing men and women for Christian living and church-related ministry. The general purpose of education is to secure for students an appropriate wealth of knowledge so that they will know that they are God's creation, made in His image, (Genesis 1:26-27) as spiritual, moral, rational, social and physical beings, although all people are sinners and have a sinful nature due to the Fall and Adam's sin. Education must also teach students that they are intended to become like Jesus as they mature in their beliefs and behaviors (Romans 8:29). More importantly, individuals thus can know what the purpose of their lives is, and what they are supposed to be only by knowing what God's plan is. They can live as they are intended to live according to the purpose of His calling.
We know nothing correctly unless we first know God, and we know Him best through His revelation of Himself in scripture. We can also indirectly know God by observing what He does and has done. God's creation reveals objective truth about our world. All truth is God's truth.
Creation means that there is an objective truth about our world, however because we are human, our knowledge is subjective and fallible. God is a God of order who can be known through logical methods of instruction and learning. The objective content of truth directs us to objective methods of teaching. Students are persons with a physical body and a spirit. The fact that students are individuals requires personal approaches to teaching. The purpose of conforming to Christ's image necessarily focuses the process of teaching on evaluation.
The primary purpose of the School of Theology, however, is to offer both undergraduate and graduate theological curricula to equip students for Christian ministry as ordained ministers, evangelists, Christian education teachers, missionary workers, and youth ministers.
Its secondary purpose is to encourage people to develop Christian commitment and integrity. Students will be exposed to a nucleus of courses that will equip them with appropriate professional knowledge and skills essential for their chosen field of service and activity.
Required courses are also designed so that students will have the opportunity to choose an area for specialized vocational and ministerial preparation.
We know nothing correctly unless we first know God, and we know Him best through His revelation of Himself in scripture. We can also indirectly know God by observing what He does and has done. God's creation reveals objective truth about our world. All truth is God's truth.
Creation means that there is an objective truth about our world, however because we are human, our knowledge is subjective and fallible. God is a God of order who can be known through logical methods of instruction and learning. The objective content of truth directs us to objective methods of teaching. Students are persons with a physical body and a spirit. The fact that students are individuals requires personal approaches to teaching. The purpose of conforming to Christ's image necessarily focuses the process of teaching on evaluation.
The primary purpose of the School of Theology, however, is to offer both undergraduate and graduate theological curricula to equip students for Christian ministry as ordained ministers, evangelists, Christian education teachers, missionary workers, and youth ministers.
Its secondary purpose is to encourage people to develop Christian commitment and integrity. Students will be exposed to a nucleus of courses that will equip them with appropriate professional knowledge and skills essential for their chosen field of service and activity.
Required courses are also designed so that students will have the opportunity to choose an area for specialized vocational and ministerial preparation.
christian living,
school of theology
Directed Independent Study
An Independent Study course allows students to study one or more topics of importance that are related to the student's major field of study. Independent study classes may be arranged under special circumstances with the permission of the Dean of Academic Affairs or the School Dean. Independent study classes may not be taken at the same time that the class in question is being offered. All students that register for an independent study class will be under the direct supervision of the instructor as assigned by Dean of Academic Affairs or the School Dean. Students may not exceed 12 units of Independent Study courses.
Independent study class will begin on the first day of the academic quarter and end on the last day of the academic quarter.The student will be required to meet at least weekly with the assigned instructor and to complete all assignments and pass the test as prescribed by the course syllabus. Independent study may not be substituted for a class which is being regularly offered at the time.
Only those students who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher will be permitted to take an independent study course. All Directed Independent Study projects must be completed before the end of the term in which students are enrolled.
Directed Independent Study is not an option for international students, veternas or other students whose tuition is paid by third parties.
Independent study class will begin on the first day of the academic quarter and end on the last day of the academic quarter.The student will be required to meet at least weekly with the assigned instructor and to complete all assignments and pass the test as prescribed by the course syllabus. Independent study may not be substituted for a class which is being regularly offered at the time.
Only those students who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher will be permitted to take an independent study course. All Directed Independent Study projects must be completed before the end of the term in which students are enrolled.
Directed Independent Study is not an option for international students, veternas or other students whose tuition is paid by third parties.
Distance Learning
Life University offers certain programs through Distance Learning. A list of programs offered through Distance Learning may be obtained by contacting the administrative office. Students who wish to be admitted to the university as a Distance Learning student must submit an Admissions Application to the administration office. Life University shall mail the first lesson and the initial study material to the student within seven days after the institution accepts the student for admission. Every course shall include all required exams, tests, projects and dissertations along with a time schedule prepared by the faculty or Dean of Academic Affairs or the School Dean containing a list of scheduled dates for each material to be returned by. The student must return all required exams, tests, projetcs, and dissertations postdated no later than the scheduled dates provided, or the student's grade shall be affected accordingly by the faculty or Dean of Academic Affairs or the Dean of school. Life University shall mail the results or evaluation of any quizzes, exams, tests, projects, and dissertations in approximately 14 days after the university receives them.
Students who receive instruction by correspondence may contact any faculty or administrative personnel by e-mail, telephone, or in person during normal office hours to inquire about any questions regarding their program of study using the contact information of the university.
Distance Learning is not an option for Oriental Medicine students, international students, and veterans and other eligible persons receiving benefit payments.
Students who receive instruction by correspondence may contact any faculty or administrative personnel by e-mail, telephone, or in person during normal office hours to inquire about any questions regarding their program of study using the contact information of the university.
Distance Learning is not an option for Oriental Medicine students, international students, and veterans and other eligible persons receiving benefit payments.
A Brief History of the University
Life University is a co-educational institution of higher education for individuals desiring a college education. The university was organized under California Corporation Law as a non-profit public benefit corporation.
Life University was established in the Fall of 1993, as an exempt institution authorized to confer degrees. In August 1995, the university applied to the Council for Private Postsecondary, and vocational Education (CPPVE) for approval to operate as a degree-granting institution under California Education Code Section 94310 (which is later revised as Section 94760). In October 1995 Life University obtained a temporary approval. A year later the university received institutional approval status from the Bureau for Private, Postsecondary, and Vocational Education (BPPVE) and has retained the approval status since then.
Life University was established in the Fall of 1993, as an exempt institution authorized to confer degrees. In August 1995, the university applied to the Council for Private Postsecondary, and vocational Education (CPPVE) for approval to operate as a degree-granting institution under California Education Code Section 94310 (which is later revised as Section 94760). In October 1995 Life University obtained a temporary approval. A year later the university received institutional approval status from the Bureau for Private, Postsecondary, and Vocational Education (BPPVE) and has retained the approval status since then.
Monday, December 21, 2009
2010 Observed Holidays in Life University
New Year - January 1
Martin Luther King - January 18
President's Day - February 15
Memorial Day - May 31
Independence Day - July 4
Labor Day - September 6
Columbus Day - October 11
Veterans' Day - November 11
Thanksgiving Day - November 25 & 26
Christmas - December 25
Martin Luther King - January 18
President's Day - February 15
Memorial Day - May 31
Independence Day - July 4
Labor Day - September 6
Columbus Day - October 11
Veterans' Day - November 11
Thanksgiving Day - November 25 & 26
Christmas - December 25
Friday, December 18, 2009
University Scholarships
Life University awards a limited amount of tuition scholarship on a quarter to quarter basis to truly deserving students who meet the following qualifications:
* The student must be accepted for admission.
* The student must submit an application for scholarship
* The student must satisfy the scholarship requirements established by the Scholarship
Committee of the university.
* The student must submit any additional documents requested by the Scholarship
required for assessing student's scholarship application.
* Apply at least two weeks prior to the beginning of any quarter.
* Maintain the minimum Standards of Student Achievement.
If a student fails to maintain the minimum Standards of Student Achievement, financial aid may be terminated after a one quarter grace period until the required levels are reached. A student who loses eligibility for financial aid may re-establish eligibility by maintaining the minimum Standards of Student Achievement.
Students that are admitted provisionally are not eligible for university scholarships.
Further detail regarding Life University's scholarship programs and its requirements may be found at the administration office.
* The student must be accepted for admission.
* The student must submit an application for scholarship
* The student must satisfy the scholarship requirements established by the Scholarship
Committee of the university.
* The student must submit any additional documents requested by the Scholarship
required for assessing student's scholarship application.
* Apply at least two weeks prior to the beginning of any quarter.
* Maintain the minimum Standards of Student Achievement.
If a student fails to maintain the minimum Standards of Student Achievement, financial aid may be terminated after a one quarter grace period until the required levels are reached. A student who loses eligibility for financial aid may re-establish eligibility by maintaining the minimum Standards of Student Achievement.
Students that are admitted provisionally are not eligible for university scholarships.
Further detail regarding Life University's scholarship programs and its requirements may be found at the administration office.
ESL Certificate Programs
Life University ESL certificate programs range from the 100 through 300 levels. These ESL programs are components of the School of Languages and are designed to provide for the academic needs of the ESL students. The Life University ESL programs lay a foundation for later study and helps prepare students to enter and succeed in their various fields of study. Classes focus on the academic English skills students need to be successful at the university level. Special emphasis is given to advanced listening, speaking and reading skills, as well as complex English grammatical forms and structures, and academic composition.
Students who complete the ESL 300 program or receive a qualifying score in the ESL placement examination may enroll in the Life University TOEFEL preparation program which prepares students to take the TOEFEL exam. Passing the TOEFEL examination is essential to the continued success of foreign students. This program reviews acquisition skills learned in previous ESL programs and provides students the knowledge of what to expect when taking the examination. The Life University TOEFEL preparation program is designed to help students effectively and successfully pass the TOEFEL examination.
Furthermore, students who complete the ESL 300 program or receive a qualifying score in the ESL placement examination may opt to enroll in the Life University Business English certificate program. This program allows students to learn business vocabulary, composition, listening, and speaking skills. In addition to language skills, this program covers basic business courses and GMAT preparation. This program prepares students to later enroll in other business programs since English is the universal language in the business world, the Business English program also helps build student confidence in their careers and gives them an advantage in the global job market.
Students who complete the ESL 300 program or receive a qualifying score in the ESL placement examination may enroll in the Life University TOEFEL preparation program which prepares students to take the TOEFEL exam. Passing the TOEFEL examination is essential to the continued success of foreign students. This program reviews acquisition skills learned in previous ESL programs and provides students the knowledge of what to expect when taking the examination. The Life University TOEFEL preparation program is designed to help students effectively and successfully pass the TOEFEL examination.
Furthermore, students who complete the ESL 300 program or receive a qualifying score in the ESL placement examination may opt to enroll in the Life University Business English certificate program. This program allows students to learn business vocabulary, composition, listening, and speaking skills. In addition to language skills, this program covers basic business courses and GMAT preparation. This program prepares students to later enroll in other business programs since English is the universal language in the business world, the Business English program also helps build student confidence in their careers and gives them an advantage in the global job market.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
School Site & Facilities






Administration Office. Office hours are from 9:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. All business transactions including admission, registration, counseling and payment of tuition and fees are conducted at this office.
Herbal Pharmacy. The herbal pharmacy stocks over 400 different Chinese and Korean herbs in raw, powdered, capsules, and extract forms. Furthermore, the pharmacy can serve herbal decoctions as prescribed by clinic supervisors and interns to meet patient needs. Current Life University students may purchase herbs for their personal use at a special discounted price.
Computer Laboratory. The computer laboratory has the state of the art workstations available daily for all students to practice their computer skills and complete their assignments.
Schedule of Classes, School of Business & Management
Winter 2010 BBA & MBA Morning Class (Gardena, CA)
Jan. 11 - March 20 (11 weeks)
Time Day Course# Course Name/Instructor Room
9:00-1:00 Tue Bus 325 Computerized Accounting I 150B
BA 705 Cost-Benefit Analysis
Mr. Carlos Salinas
9:00-1:00 Fri Bus 415 Organizational Theory & Dev't. 150B
BA 642 Organizational Behavior
Mr. Samuel Ryu
Winter 2010, BBA & MBA Evening Class (Korea Town, LA)
Jan. 11 - Mar. 20 (11 weeks)
Time Day Course# Course Name/Instructor Room
6:00-10:00 Tue Bus 210 Human Resource Management K.Town
BA 645 Mr. Glen Dulac K1212
6:00-10:00 Wed Bus 120 Introduction to Sales & Mktg. K.Town
BA 647 Marketing Management K1212
Jeannie Jo
6:00-10:00 Thu Bus 300 Financial Acctg.:Reporting & Analysis K.Town
BA 668 Financial Risk Management K1212
Haksoo Han
Jan. 11 - March 20 (11 weeks)
Time Day Course# Course Name/Instructor Room
9:00-1:00 Tue Bus 325 Computerized Accounting I 150B
BA 705 Cost-Benefit Analysis
Mr. Carlos Salinas
9:00-1:00 Fri Bus 415 Organizational Theory & Dev't. 150B
BA 642 Organizational Behavior
Mr. Samuel Ryu
Winter 2010, BBA & MBA Evening Class (Korea Town, LA)
Jan. 11 - Mar. 20 (11 weeks)
Time Day Course# Course Name/Instructor Room
6:00-10:00 Tue Bus 210 Human Resource Management K.Town
BA 645 Mr. Glen Dulac K1212
6:00-10:00 Wed Bus 120 Introduction to Sales & Mktg. K.Town
BA 647 Marketing Management K1212
Jeannie Jo
6:00-10:00 Thu Bus 300 Financial Acctg.:Reporting & Analysis K.Town
BA 668 Financial Risk Management K1212
Haksoo Han
Academic Calendar for Winter Quarter 2010
New Year's Day - Academic Holiday
Student Registration and Orientation - Jan. 4 - Jan. 8
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes - Jan. 11
Last day to add classes or register late -Jan. 15
Martin Luther King Day - Academic Holiday - Jan. 18
Last day to drop classes - Jan. 29
President's Day - Academic Holiday - Feb. 15
Last day of classes - Mar. 20
Final Examinations - Mar. 22 - Mar. 26
End of quarter - Mar. 26
Student Registration and Orientation - Jan. 4 - Jan. 8
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes - Jan. 11
Last day to add classes or register late -Jan. 15
Martin Luther King Day - Academic Holiday - Jan. 18
Last day to drop classes - Jan. 29
President's Day - Academic Holiday - Feb. 15
Last day of classes - Mar. 20
Final Examinations - Mar. 22 - Mar. 26
End of quarter - Mar. 26
academic calendar,
winter 2010
Registration for Winter 2010
Early Bird Registration starts now up to the end of the month (December 14 - 30). If you wish to enroll in this period, the quarterly registration fee of $50 will be waived.
Regular registration will be on January 4-January 8. Those who will register in this period will be required to pay the registration fee of $50.
Regular registration will be on January 4-January 8. Those who will register in this period will be required to pay the registration fee of $50.
early bird,
registration schedules,
Friday, December 4, 2009
International Student Policy
Life University is currently approved by the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to issue I-20 certificates.
* Distance Learning and Independent Study are not options for international students.
New students applying for the I-20 certificate must meet the following eligibility requirements:
* Distance Learning and Independent Study are not options for international students.
New students applying for the I-20 certificate must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Students must be admitted to the university.
- Submit a completed I-20 Application form available in the administration office.
- Submit a completedInternational Student Financial Information form along with current financial statements providing evidence of financila support including tuition, fees, living expenses, books, insurance, supplies, and transportation.
- Students who have sponsors must submit a completed INS Affidavit of Support form (I-134) along with all the required supporting documents.
- Provide a clear legible copy of a valid passport with the full name, picture, and expiration date showing.
- All international students enrolling in any program other than ESL100, ESL200, ESL300, TOEFEL Preparation, and Business English must provide a copy of their TOEFEL exam results showing a minimum score of 500 (or 173 on computer based exam).
- New international students with dependents must complete the dependents section of the I-20 Application form and provide a clear eligible copy of each dependent's valid passport with the full name, picture, and expiration date showing.
International students who wish to transfer to Life University from other institutions must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Students must be admitted to the university.
- Submit a completed I-20 Application form available in the administration office.
- Submit a completed International Student Financial Information form along with current financial statements providing evidence of financial support including tuition, fees, living expenses, books, insurance, supplies, and transportation.
- Students who have sponsors must submit a completed INS affidavit of Support form (I-134) along with all the required supporting documents.
- Submit a completed Notice of Intent to Transfer to Life University form.
- Provide a copy of both sides of the student's INS I-94 form.
- Provide an endorsed copy of the student's previous I-20 form.
- Provide a clear legible copy of a valid passport with the full name, picture, and expiration date showing.
- All international students enrolling in any program other than ESL100, ESL200, ESL300, TOEFEL Preparation, and Business English must provide a copy of their TOEFEL exam results showing a minimum score of 500 (or 173 on computer based exam).
- Transferring international students with dependent's must complete the dependent's section of the I-20 Application form and provide a clear copy of each dependent's INS I-94 form (both sides) and valid passport with the full name, picture, and expiration date showing.
School of Theology Degree Programs and Special Programs
* Bachelor of Arts in Theology
Enrollment Requirement: High School Diploma
Degree Requirement: 180 Quarter Units (4 Years)
Majors: Education, Christian Counseling, Church Music, Mission, Social Welfare
* Master of Arts in Religion
Enrollment Requirement: B.A. Degree
Degree Requirement: 72 Quarter Units (2 Years)
Majors: Education, Christian Counseling, Church Music, Mission, Social Welfare
* Master of Divinity
Enrollment Requirement: B.A. Degree
Degree Requirement: 144 Quarter Units (3 Years)
* Master of Theology
Enrollment Requirement: M.Div. Degree
Degree Requirement: 58 Quarter Units (1 1/2 years)
Majors: Biblical Theology (O.T. & N.T.), Theological Studies, Apologetics, Historical
Theology, Christian Education
* Doctor of Ministry
Enrollment Requirement: M.Div. Degree. 3 years Ministry
Degree Requirement: 68 Quarter Units (2 1/2 years)
* Doctor of Theology
Enrollment Requirement: Th.M. Degree
Degree Requirement: 80 Quarter Units (3 Years)
Majors: Biblical Theology (O.T. & N.T.), Theological Studies, Apologetics, Historical Theology,
Christian Education
* Certificate in Marriage and Family Counseling
The Certificate is issued upon the completion of a year program
* Bible Academy
Certificate is given upon the completion of a 2 year program (92 quarter units), and then the student can transfer to 3rd grade in B.A. program
* Bachelor of Arts in Theology
Enrollment Requirement: High School Diploma
Degree Requirement: 180 Quarter Units (4 Years)
Majors: Education, Christian Counseling, Church Music, Mission, Social Welfare
* Master of Arts in Religion
Enrollment Requirement: B.A. Degree
Degree Requirement: 72 Quarter Units (2 Years)
Majors: Education, Christian Counseling, Church Music, Mission, Social Welfare
* Master of Divinity
Enrollment Requirement: B.A. Degree
Degree Requirement: 144 Quarter Units (3 Years)
* Master of Theology
Enrollment Requirement: M.Div. Degree
Degree Requirement: 58 Quarter Units (1 1/2 years)
Majors: Biblical Theology (O.T. & N.T.), Theological Studies, Apologetics, Historical
Theology, Christian Education
* Doctor of Ministry
Enrollment Requirement: M.Div. Degree. 3 years Ministry
Degree Requirement: 68 Quarter Units (2 1/2 years)
* Doctor of Theology
Enrollment Requirement: Th.M. Degree
Degree Requirement: 80 Quarter Units (3 Years)
Majors: Biblical Theology (O.T. & N.T.), Theological Studies, Apologetics, Historical Theology,
Christian Education
* Certificate in Marriage and Family Counseling
The Certificate is issued upon the completion of a year program
* Bible Academy
Certificate is given upon the completion of a 2 year program (92 quarter units), and then the student can transfer to 3rd grade in B.A. program
School of Theology
Purpose and Requirements
* Stands for bringing up the excellent spiritual and professional Christian leaders equipped with the strength of pity and knowledge to be able to fulfill the eternal will of God.
* Pursues the Reformed Theology, and has the foremost goal of the Glory of God, and fulfills the mission under the Sovereignty of God.
* Provides opportunity to minister as an ordained pastor at a church of the affiliated The General Assembly of the Korean Presbyterian Church of U.S.A., or to teach as a professor at School of Theology at Life University or other seminaries.
Required Documentations for Admission
* I-20 pplication for the International Student
* Official Certificate of Diploma and Transcript, or Its Equivalence
* Two Letters of Recommendation and Essay/Confession of Faith & One Color Photo
* Stands for bringing up the excellent spiritual and professional Christian leaders equipped with the strength of pity and knowledge to be able to fulfill the eternal will of God.
* Pursues the Reformed Theology, and has the foremost goal of the Glory of God, and fulfills the mission under the Sovereignty of God.
* Provides opportunity to minister as an ordained pastor at a church of the affiliated The General Assembly of the Korean Presbyterian Church of U.S.A., or to teach as a professor at School of Theology at Life University or other seminaries.
Required Documentations for Admission
* I-20 pplication for the International Student
* Official Certificate of Diploma and Transcript, or Its Equivalence
* Two Letters of Recommendation and Essay/Confession of Faith & One Color Photo
Friday, November 20, 2009
School of Oriental Medicine
Life University School of Oriental Medicine; provides an education in the science of Oriental Medicine for the purpose of excellence in clinical practice and the integration of Oriental Medicine into the mainstream of western medicine.
Life University Oriental Medicine Programs were approved by California State Bureau for Private Postsecondary & Vocational Education (BPPVE) and California Acupuncture Board.
* Master of Oriental Medicine (270 units)
- 3 year program / quarter system / various scholarships
- TOEFL or ESL required (for international students)
- I-20 Form issued for international students
- Internship at Life University Health Center
*Doctor of Oriental Medicine in Research Advancement (120 units)
- 3 year program / quarter system / various scholarships
- I-20 form issued for international students
Specialized, advanced and integrated Oriental Medicine
Life University Oriental Medicine Programs were approved by California State Bureau for Private Postsecondary & Vocational Education (BPPVE) and California Acupuncture Board.
* Master of Oriental Medicine (270 units)
- 3 year program / quarter system / various scholarships
- TOEFL or ESL required (for international students)
- I-20 Form issued for international students
- Internship at Life University Health Center
*Doctor of Oriental Medicine in Research Advancement (120 units)
- 3 year program / quarter system / various scholarships
- I-20 form issued for international students
Specialized, advanced and integrated Oriental Medicine
alternative medicine,
oriental medicine
Document List for Transfer
* Notice of Intent to Transfer
* I-20 Application (including foreign and US address)
* Admission Application with 1 photo
* Copies of Passport, Visa & I-94
* Copy of ID (e.i; state ID)
* Copies of previous I-20's
* Certificate of Deposit Balance
* Copy of OPT (if any)
* Admission Fee
* I-20 Application (including foreign and US address)
* Admission Application with 1 photo
* Copies of Passport, Visa & I-94
* Copy of ID (e.i; state ID)
* Copies of previous I-20's
* Certificate of Deposit Balance
* Copy of OPT (if any)
* Admission Fee
document list,
Document List for SEVIS I-20 for foreign applicants
Document List for I-20
* I-20 Application (including foreign and US address)
* Admission Application
* Copies of Passport and visa
* Certificate of Deposit Balance or Proof of Financial Ability
* 2 Letters of Recommendation
* Certificate of Graduation and Transcript
* 1 photo (passport size)
* Copy of ID (e.i; state ID)
* Fee
* I-20 Application (including foreign and US address)
* Admission Application
* Copies of Passport and visa
* Certificate of Deposit Balance or Proof of Financial Ability
* 2 Letters of Recommendation
* Certificate of Graduation and Transcript
* 1 photo (passport size)
* Copy of ID (e.i; state ID)
* Fee
document list,
foreign applicants,
ESL (English as a Second Language) special promotion program
* Special promotion program for ESL (English as a Second Language) requires a one year period enrollment. Registration for this special promotion program is from October 2009 to September 2010.
* The participating students will be granted a scholarship of $300 per quarter which will be applied towards the $900 per quarter tuition fee. The participating students will accordingly pay a tuition fee of $600 per quarter.
* The participating students will be granted a scholarship of $300 per quarter which will be applied towards the $900 per quarter tuition fee. The participating students will accordingly pay a tuition fee of $600 per quarter.
Programs Offered and Tuition Fee
ESL $600/qtr $1800/year
TOEFL 900/qtr 2300/year
BA in Theology 90/unit 1080/qtr 3000/year
MA in Religion 100/unit 1200/qtr 3500/year
Master of Divinity 100/unit 1200/qtr 3500/year
Master of Theology 100/unit 900/qtr 2700/year
Doctor of Ministry 130/unit 1170/qtr 3510/year
Doctor of Theology 160/unit 1440/qtr 4320/year
Associate of Arts in Accounting 84/unit 1008/qtr 3000/year
Bachelor of Bus. Administration 84/unit 1008/qtr 3000/year
Master of Bus. Administration 105/unit 1260/qtr 3500/year
Note: Additional discount can be availed if tuition fee is paid in lumpsum.
TOEFL 900/qtr 2300/year
BA in Theology 90/unit 1080/qtr 3000/year
MA in Religion 100/unit 1200/qtr 3500/year
Master of Divinity 100/unit 1200/qtr 3500/year
Master of Theology 100/unit 900/qtr 2700/year
Doctor of Ministry 130/unit 1170/qtr 3510/year
Doctor of Theology 160/unit 1440/qtr 4320/year
Associate of Arts in Accounting 84/unit 1008/qtr 3000/year
Bachelor of Bus. Administration 84/unit 1008/qtr 3000/year
Master of Bus. Administration 105/unit 1260/qtr 3500/year
Note: Additional discount can be availed if tuition fee is paid in lumpsum.
Academic Calendar 2009-2010
Dates are subject to change. Refer to quarter schedule of classes for recent changes related to holiday observances, registration deadlines, and commencement ceremonies. This is not to be construed as an employee work calendar. For purposes of degree evaluation, the academic year is defined as: fall, winter, spring, and summer quarters. Applications will be accepted for entry into programs until capacity is reached up to the beginning of the quarter.
Fall Quarter, 2009
Student registration and orientation.......................Sept. 28 - Oct. 2
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes.........Oct. 5
Last day to add class or register late.......................Oct. 9
Columbus Day - Academic Holiday..........................Oct
Last day to drop classes.............................................Oct 23
Veteran's day - Academic Holiday............................Nov. 11
Thanksgiving Day - Academic Holiday....................Nov. 26 & 27
Last day of classes.......................................................Dec. 11
Final examinations......................................................Dec. 14 - Dec. 18
End of quarter..............................................................Dec 18
Winter Quarter, 2010
New Year's Day - Academic Holiday........................Jan. 1
Student registration and orientation........................Jan. 4
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes..........Jan. 11
Last day to add classes or register late....................Jan. 15
Martin Luther King Day - Academic Holiday..........Jan. 18
Last day to drop classes.............................................Jan. 29
President's Day - Academic Holiday.........................Feb. 15
Last day of classes.......................................................March 20
Final Examinations......................................................March 22 - March 26
End of quarter..............................................................March 26
Spring Quarter, 2010
Student registration and orientation.........................March 29 - Apr. 2
Beginning of quarter and first day of classes............Apr. 5
Last day to add class or register late.........................Apr. 9
Last day to drop classes...............................................Apr. 23
Memorial Day - Academic Holiday.............................May 31
Last day of classes.........................................................Jun. 11
Final examinations........................................................Jun. 14 - Jun. 18
End of quarter................................................................Jun. 18
Graduation Day..............................................................Jun. 26
Summer Quarter, 2010
Student registration and orientation...........................Jun. 28 - Jul. 2
Independence Day - Academic Holiday......................Jul. 5
Beginning of quarter and first day of classes..............Jul. 6
Last day to add class or register late...........................Jul. 9
Last day to drop classes................................................Jul. 23
Labor Day - Academic Holiday.....................................Sept. 6
Last day of classes..........................................................Sept. 10
Final Examinations.........................................................Sept. 13 - Sept. 17
End of quarter.................................................................Sept. 17
Fall Quarter, 2009
Student registration and orientation.......................Sept. 28 - Oct. 2
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes.........Oct. 5
Last day to add class or register late.......................Oct. 9
Columbus Day - Academic Holiday..........................Oct
Last day to drop classes.............................................Oct 23
Veteran's day - Academic Holiday............................Nov. 11
Thanksgiving Day - Academic Holiday....................Nov. 26 & 27
Last day of classes.......................................................Dec. 11
Final examinations......................................................Dec. 14 - Dec. 18
End of quarter..............................................................Dec 18
Winter Quarter, 2010
New Year's Day - Academic Holiday........................Jan. 1
Student registration and orientation........................Jan. 4
Beginning of Quarter and first day of classes..........Jan. 11
Last day to add classes or register late....................Jan. 15
Martin Luther King Day - Academic Holiday..........Jan. 18
Last day to drop classes.............................................Jan. 29
President's Day - Academic Holiday.........................Feb. 15
Last day of classes.......................................................March 20
Final Examinations......................................................March 22 - March 26
End of quarter..............................................................March 26
Spring Quarter, 2010
Student registration and orientation.........................March 29 - Apr. 2
Beginning of quarter and first day of classes............Apr. 5
Last day to add class or register late.........................Apr. 9
Last day to drop classes...............................................Apr. 23
Memorial Day - Academic Holiday.............................May 31
Last day of classes.........................................................Jun. 11
Final examinations........................................................Jun. 14 - Jun. 18
End of quarter................................................................Jun. 18
Graduation Day..............................................................Jun. 26
Summer Quarter, 2010
Student registration and orientation...........................Jun. 28 - Jul. 2
Independence Day - Academic Holiday......................Jul. 5
Beginning of quarter and first day of classes..............Jul. 6
Last day to add class or register late...........................Jul. 9
Last day to drop classes................................................Jul. 23
Labor Day - Academic Holiday.....................................Sept. 6
Last day of classes..........................................................Sept. 10
Final Examinations.........................................................Sept. 13 - Sept. 17
End of quarter.................................................................Sept. 17
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
ESL Program
Would you like to use English to achieve your personal and professional goals?
Do you have some skills in English but need to learn more?
Are you ready to use English with friends, neighbors, co-workers, and others?
If so, you've come to the right place! Life University is right here just for you.
Our ESL Program helps prepare students to enter and succeed in various field of profession and academic setting. Special emphasis is given to listening, speaking, and reading skills, as well as complex English grammatically forms and structures, and academic composition.
Life University and our ESL Program is approved by California State Bureau for Private Postsecondary & Vocational Education (BPPVE).
School of Business and Management
Life University and our Business Programs were approved by California State Bureau for Private Postsecondary & Vocational Education (BPPVE).
* A.A.A - Associate of Arts in Accounting
(92 units). This program takes two (2) years to be completed.
* B.B.A - Bachelor of Business Administration (180 units). This program can be completed in four (4) years.
* M.B.A - Master of Business Administration (68 units). The degree encompasses the theoretical concepts and practical applications for business practitioners. Special emphasis is placed on the role of management in the formulation and administration of corporate policy and strategic plans.
President's Message
We continue to expand our curriculum to offer a greater selection of classes and programs that provide our graduates with degrees in their chosen fields, as well as, the desire to participate in activities that will improve world conditions.
Through interaction with students of varying international and cultural backgrounds, the members of our student body will learn to cooperate with each other and eventually realize that, as human beings, we have more similarities than differences. Leslie G. Donaldes, Juris Doctor
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